Hey all! We’re rolling ahead full steam on Month of the Novel! So far, we’ve had one shooting day and a whole lot of prep work. Let me tell you about it.
So, to begin with, I got here to Rebekah and Ruth’s house Monday night. We were given an enthusiastic costume tour by Rebekah, and then we all crashed into bed to sleep in preparation for the filmmaking adventure that would start the next day.
Tuesday we had planned to do some location scouting, but we got rained out and had to move that to Wednesday. In the meantime, Ruth and I exported out all of the Handicrafts Made Simple sessions so that we could burn master discs later. Yes, folks, it’s that close to being done!
We also ran through all the scripts on Tuesday. Some of us needed more work on our lines than others…
Then came Wednesday. Rebekah, Ruth, my sister Becca, and I all headed out to take care of location scouting. We have graciously been given the use of a huge area to film in. So we bounced around in a bumpity vehicle all afternoon, taking photos of the set and generally getting shaken to pieces while getting excited about the set.
Thursday rolled around and we shot a large section of the script. We had a great actress come in to do a part involving the author of the novel, and we spent pretty much the entire day shooting that. After our actress left, we picked up a few extra shots with Rebekah in another role, and then pretty much fell headlong into various chairs and crashed with a movie.
And today, we’ve been prepping for the first outdoor shoot that will happen tomorrow at the location we scouted on Wednesday. Ruth and I also used our valuable shot log to import all of the footage from yesterday, discovering in the process how handy it is to slate each take. Yes, we did slate them, in case you’re wondering!
So now you’re up to speed on the production of Month of the Novel. More later!
Hooray for photos! Having read the scripts, I can say with all certainty that those locations are FANTASTIC! Can’t wait!