An Update on iSundae II

Hey, folks! Here’s another update on iSundae II. We’re still working, and working, and working…

Things are falling together quite nicely. All of the scenes have been placed together in a rough cut. Although I haven’t found time to watch the whole thing yet, I’m sure that somebody could watch it and understand the story.

Right now, I’m doing sound effects. This has been a fun part for me, because I have to be creative and try to come up with objects that will sound like the props in the film. Yesterday I did a horn sound, using an Australian didjeridoo, played by my younger brother, who plays it much better than I do.

Rebekah and her mom have been recording the musical score for the movie. I heard some of it for the first time yesterday and I was blown away! This is quite a notch up from last year’s score.

My other brother Ben has been creating some great effects. Again, this is a notch up from our previous film.Emcracy Moose Tracks

I hope you’re getting as excited as I am!

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