Jun 12

Giveaway for Finding the Core of Your Story!

There’s already been some good buzz for my new book on loglines Finding the Core of Your Story. Over at author J. Grace Pennington’s website, you can find a review and giveaway contest. I know some other people are planning giveaways and reviews soon, so stay tuned for more links in the near future.

The printed version of the book is also now available on Amazon. If you don’t want a signed copy, you can hop over there and get the book right now.

And to round things out, you can add Finding the Core of Your Story on Goodreads if you’re one of the awesome people who’s read it. Or put it on your to-read list if you haven’t quite gotten there yet.

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Jun 04

Announcing Finding the Core of Your Story: The Logline Book

Remember last August when I wrote a series of blog posts about writing a great logline? Well, I’ve taken those posts, revised them, written a bunch of new material, and compiled it all into a handy little book!

Logline Book CoverIt’s called Finding the Core of Your Story, and it’s available for preorder starting today. I’m really excited about this and I think you’re going to love it, but since it’s better to let another praise you, here’s a hearty recommendation from author and screenwriter Aubrey Hansen:

“As a screenwriter and self-published author, I’ve always sought Jordan Smith’s advice on my loglines. I run conceptual pitches by him when pursuing a new idea, and I get his help finalizing my pitch before publishing or doing an interview. When I heard Jordan was compiling his expertise into a book, I was delighted. Having read the book I can testify it contains all his best advice and provides a lighthearted but thorough crash course to loglines. If more writers would heed the advice on these pages, they would avoid the inept pitches and synopses so common among self-published authors. Read this book and set your story apart by writing a great logline. The shoppers browsing your book on Amazon will thank you.”

Read More »

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May 11

SCM Scripture Memory System Video

I just finished putting together this video for Simply Charlotte Mason. It explains how to use their Scripture Memory System. I’m very happy with how it turned out. Enjoy!

For those interested, the video was created with the Final Cut Pro 7 suite, mainly with Motion 4. The graphics were built in Photoshop.

The box graphic used in the video was designed in Blender by Ben over at bencreating.com. He does some neat stuff, so check him out, too.

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Apr 22

Is It Long Enough?

We often talk about how a movie dragged on and on and on, but it’s rare to hear a discussion of how a movie was too short. And yet, in the past couple of weeks or so, I’ve seen two movies that I’ve concluded were too short.

Not because they ended too soon, but because there needed to be more. Let me explain what I mean with two specific examples. Read More »

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