I said there would be more!
I’m pleased to send you first to Seabird’s blog for her review and giveaway of Finding the Core of Your Story. She’s written a nice review and she’s got some copies to give away, so head on over and check it out.
But keep this window open so you can come back and jump over to Aubrey Hansen’s review and giveaway when you’re done visiting with Seabird. Aubrey’s written a post about both me and my new book. She’s also got a giveaway going on, so read through her review to find out how to enter to win a copy.
While I have your attention, don’t forget about J. Grace Pennington’s giveaway. You still have a couple of days to enter over there.
Of course, if you don’t want to wait for a giveaway to end, you can always go get the book right now by visiting the official page. Besides, that’s the only way to get yourself a signed copy addressed to whomever you may choose, including your cat if you really want it that way.
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