Tea, anyone?
EXT Lydia’s Hut DAY and INT Lydia’s hut DAY. Just two short sentences from the script. As head of the “Phantom Moose Large Props Department,” it was my job to take those lines and convert them into a semi-believable reality.
EXT Lydia’s Hut DAY and INT Lydia’s hut DAY. Just two short sentences from the script. As head of the “Phantom Moose Large Props Department,” it was my job to take those lines and convert them into a semi-believable reality.
The costume drawings are done. Finally. You survey the row with a prideful and practiced eye. Then something looks wrong. You don’t know what it is, but that dress over there isn’t quite right, and this jacket looks strange. Is … Read More
One of the best things about making a home movie is that all your costumes become designer costumes because they are one-of-a-kind creations by you. And believe me, depending on the skill level you have, some are more “one-of-a-kind” than … Read More
Alrighty, everyone, I, the die-hard rambler, am going to set my commentary aside and actually give you a step-by step, official “how-to” guide! (Pause for collective gasp.) This post will talk you through making a belt with pizazz.
Throw away your bricks and trowels, your costly cement walls and that old-fashioned “built to last” idea. This is the era of the disposable! Storage saving and penny pinching is in. Okay. Suffice it to say not all of us … Read More